Speed up WordPress Website

$ 100

Is your WordPress site slow? Website speed is one of the most critical factors for search engine rankings—faster sites rank higher and provide a better user experience. My Speed Up WP Site service combines powerful optimization techniques to dramatically improve your site’s speed and stability.



Is your WordPress site slow? Website speed is one of the most critical factors for search engine rankings—faster sites rank higher and provide a better user experience. My Speed Up WP Site service combines powerful optimization techniques to dramatically improve your site’s speed and stability.

This all-in-one package includes:

  • Licensed Premium Caching Plugin Setup for effective page and object caching.
  • Advanced Image Optimization with a free WEBP API for next-gen formats, reducing image sizes without compromising quality.
  • Database Cleanup and Optimization to eliminate clutter, reduce load times, and improve query performance.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration and Configuration for faster global content delivery.
  • Critical and Unused CSS Optimization to minimize render-blocking resources.
  • PHP Optimization (Opcache and PHP-FPM) to ensure smoother PHP execution and processing.
  • Ongoing Monitoring and Support to maintain peak performance.
  • Server Setup and Migration Assistance (Optional) to ensure your hosting environment is perfectly tuned for WordPress.

With this package, I’ll address all major PageSpeed Insights metrics—FCP, TBT, LCP, and CLS—and resolve any script issues caused by optimization, ensuring your website achieves top performance and stays ahead of the competition.


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